About Wendy

Independent Educational Psychologist

About Wendy

I am a fully Chartered Educational Psychologist with over 20 years experience in both the public and private sectors. The service I offer is personal and friendly and I always make sure that the child or adult is as relaxed as possible and therefore finds the assessment process to be a positive experience. 

I work in a multi-professional way with schools, health professionals, employers and other agencies. I am happy to liaise with other agencies to support the child or person concerned.


In my work with children I support a wide range of schools and families and offer advice regarding appropriate education and the best ways to engage the child in the teaching/learning process.


In my work with adults I engage with colleges, universities and employers to support the person with their studies or in the workplace. I will advise upon any reasonable adaptations that need to be made to enable a person to achieve their full potential.


The reports I write aim to be clear, user friendly and ‘jargon free’. 


My practice is based in Bushey, South Hertfordshire, in my office, schools, colleges and places of work.

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